Fiscal Management Services
Self-direction of services allows participants to manage all aspects of their care in their home.
Abilities in Motion Fiscal Management Services is a Pennsylvania Fiscal/Employer Agent for the Options Program and Agency With Choice. AIM offers employer- and payroll-related services to consumers who hire their own attendants and support professionals.

AIM may perform, or assist in performing, a number of employment and payroll-related tasks, including:
Setting up federal, state, and local tax accounts
Filing, reporting, and paying wages and taxes
Securing worker’s compensation insurance
Ensuring compliance with the state and federal programs

Agency with Choice (AWC)
Agency with Choice (AWC) is a form of home care service that helps people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families/advocates to plan, schedule, hire, and maintain their own support service Professional according to their Individual Support Plan (ISP).

Options Program
Options is a program of Home and Community-Based Services funded primarily through the Aging Block Grant (ABG). The services in this program are provided to eligible consumers 60 years old and over to assist them in maintaining independence in the community with the highest level of functioning and to delay the need for more costly care/services.
Important Information from Fiscal Management Services:
Effective Immediately: We are no longer accepting paper timesheets for the Agency With Choice program. Due to Federal Mandates with the 21st Century Cures Act, all time worked for the Agency With Choice program must be submitted via an EVV system in real-time. Abilities in Motion is using the alternate EVV system through HHA eXchange for this which involves using a mobile app (Evvie) or telephone system (Ivrie). This does not apply to the Options Program or UR Choice Respite; please continue sending your timesheets for those two programs only.
If you are having issues using the system, please contact the Agency With Choice team imemdiately at 610-376-0010 or
Please submit all Mileage documents or Vendor Payment Forms via email to
For more information call
Abilities in Motion's Fiscal Management team is committed to supporting you through the financial management/vendor payment process.
We're here to ease the burden.