Options Program
We're helping seniors maintain independence!

What is Options?
Options is a program of Home and Community-Based Services funded primarily through the Aging Block Grant (ABG). The services in this program are provided to eligible consumers 60 years old and over to assist them in maintaining independence in the community with the highest level of functioning and to delay the need for more costly care/services.
Who is eligible for Options?
Age 60 or older
A Pennsylvania resident
A U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident
What is self-directed service?
Self-direction of services allows participants to have the responsibility for managing all aspects of their care in their home. Participants work with their care manager to develop a care plan.
Self-direction promotes personal choice and control over the delivery of the care plan, including who provides the services and how services are provided. Participants are given the decision-making authority to recruit, hire, train, and supervise the individuals who provide services.
How do I start the process?
You must contact your county’s Area Agency on Aging and speak to a representative regarding an assessment for services. In Berks County, the Office of the Agency on Aging can be called at 610-478-6500. AIM also provides the Options Program in Chester, Lancaster, Lebanon, and Schuylkill Counties.
What is AIM's role?
Abilities in Motion is a Pennsylvania Fiscal/Employer Agent for the Options Program, which means that we can offer employer- and payroll-related services to consumers who hire their own attendants. If you choose AIM to be your fiscal agent, we will perform, or assist you in performing, a number of employment and payroll-related tasks.
These tasks include but not limited to:
Setting up federal, state, and local tax accounts
Filing, reporting, and paying wages and taxes
Securing worker’s compensation insurance
Providing professional staff available to answer your questions
Training you in understanding your responsibilities
Reviewing the information with you in order to comply with the Options program
Important Information from Fiscal Management Services:
All timesheets and progress notes must be submitted via email until further notice.
You must email BOTH aimpr1@abilitiesinmotion.org AND aimbmr@abilitiesinmotion.org. Email npainter@abilitiesinmotion.org with questions.