Independent Living Department
Ticket to Work (TTW)
If you want to work but can’t necessarily afford to because of the aid provided by vital medical or disability benefits,
Ticket to Work might be just the ticket!
Ticket to Work (TTW) is a free and voluntary program administered by the Social Security Administration. The program seeks to increase the financial independence and self-sufficiency of individuals who receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. TTW helps adults with a disability from 18 to 64 years old who receive disability benefits return to the workforce without immediately losing those benefits.
Under the program, participants work toward specific, personalized goals of seeking, applying for, gaining, and maintaining employment. While working toward those goals, participants can explore work options and find that perfect job without immediately losing disability benefits. According to the Social Security Association’s webpage on Ticket to Work, individuals in the TTW program can:
Go to work without automatically losing disability benefits;
Return to benefits if he or she has to stop working;
Continue to receive healthcare benefits; and
Be protected from receiving a medical Continuing Disability Review (CDR) while using the ticket and making the expected progress with work or educational goals.
Gaining Realistic Opportunities to Work (GROW)
If you want to work but need to brush up on your employment skills or want help looking for work,
we invite you to GROW with us!
Employment, or the right to work, is recognized as one of the basic Human Rights. As such, individuals with disabilities have the right to work if that is their choice. As a center for independent living, Abilities in Motion (AIM) works tirelessly to promote employment for people with disabilities. Gaining Realistic Opportunities to Work (GROW) is an employment program that helps people with disabilities with their employment needs. The GROW program assists individuals with their resume, cover letter, interview skills, job search, and other employment guidance or support.
The employment team is available to accommodate assisting individuals digitally as well as in person. Part of providing the right guidance and support is to empower the individual in the program to determine for themselves how much they would like to work each week. Along with participants' improved financial situation, many of our consumers reported personal satisfaction, high self-esteem, a sense of belonging, and contribution to the community. The GROW Employment Program assists and empowers individuals to make their own decisions, to advocate for themselves, and to choose a more independent lifestyle.
For more information, call the Employment Services Team at 610-376-0010.