Independent Living Department
Certified Peer Support Program
Wellness and Recovery Model
Evidence-Based Best Practice Approach
Treatment and Recovery is a Journey...
What is Certified Peer Support (CPS) at AIM?
Certified Peer Support Specialists provide emotional support and guidance from their own personal experiences, modeling hope, personal responsibility, and self-advocacy. Peers provide linkages to community resources, support groups, health screenings, etc. Services are individualized to maximize independence and meet individual needs. We take a trauma-informed care approach to services and support, in addition to disability specialization.
Who is Eligible?
Youth (14 years and older) through older adults with physical disabilities and serious mental illness/serious emotional disturbance exhibiting functional impairment that impedes their ability to live and thrive in the community.
Meet AIM's new Certified Peer Support Specialist, Theresa Martin, and read her personal message here.
Call for more information:
Theresa Martin, Certified Peer Support Specialist
Cell: 610-741-4937
Office: 610-376-0010